30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST


Bandorama is a monthly band night run by the legend that is Sid Siddle. It takes place every third Every third Saturday of the month. 


Hi Everyone Unfrotunately folks, time is not exactly on the side of I, your humble narrator, this week.  Due to something called insomnia and people on the radio droning on about Froch v Groves there is slightly greater urgency than usual to get some shut-eye
Hi Everyone The sun is out, the sky is blue.   Sadly, there is an unfortunate side-effect to all of this as the streets are thronged with "merry" old souls who constanly tell you they "hate football" and then talk about how much they don't like it... at great length.
Hi Everyone I do hope you're enjoying this somewhat unseasonal weather and not sweltering too much.  Excuse me a moment, I just need a cold shower (again)
Hi Everyone September has been a little quiet so far  (let's be honest, we can't keep up our maximum red-hot pace all the time!) However, this time around we have a packed weekend to tell you about at the Rising Sun!

