30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST

This Weekend's Events (17th to 19th February)

Lawrence's picture

Hi Everyone

You know, dear reader, I did have a little pre-amble planned for this evening's little missive from us to you, however, you might be interested to know that I bought a suit off the comedy actor Simon Pegg and it really is a perfect fit

And following on from that little piece of celebrity news, we have somethihng special for you at the Rising Sun this weekend!

On Saturday, CLUB VELOCITY and BANDORAMA bring you the 2017 edition of IN MALCOLM WE TRUST

The truly ace singer songwriter, returns to the Rising Sun.  He should be releasing his 3rd album in 2017  Frank Turner loves him, and surely all of Reading and beyond do too.

Ex-member of Pete And The Piratesin a rare solo outing from that band  Awesome

Delightful beardy folk for real punks

Friend of the Family Unwin.  From Malta and rather great (even though we say so ourselves...)

We'll be open at 8pm.  And it'll cost you £5 on the door to get in (£4 in advance from www.wegottickets.com).

(MILONGA SIMPATICA is returns next month after a short but well-earned break)

That’s everything for another week, just to remind you that we are, as always, at 30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST (If you pop it into your satnav or Google, we shall magically appear!)


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