30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST

We have a new piano

Damien's picture

The Rising Sun has taken delivery of a brand new piano for the centre.

Replacing the long-serving (but increasingly long-in-the-tooth) baby grand, this new piano is slightly smaller but no less grand!

And within hours of its arrival, it was making its debut at the Big Untidy Night Out thanks to the fingers of Nick Mitchell. Big Untidy’s Mark said he was “…a total revelation. Emotional, piano-driven torch songs mixed with arresting audience-participation pieces (the value of pi recited in English, Spanish and Italian anyone?)”.

If you missed the new piano’s debut performance, you can hear it in action again this coming weekend. Matt Maltese will be tinkling our new ivories at the Club Velocity/Bandoramma presents Vienna Ditto 'Hammer and a Nail' single launch party on Saturday night.

And what’s to become of the old piano? Well, you’ll have to wait and see…

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