30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST

First impressions

Amy's picture
Do you remember the first time you came to the Rising Sun? Whether you've been a volunteer at the Rising Sun for years, or you're a newcomer to the centre, you'll always have fond memories of this rickety, beautiful old building and the people that bring it to life. We asked Intern Jo for her first impressions of the centre. Here's what she thought:
I'm Jo. I'm currently taking part in an internship at the centre. My role is to support volunteers. I have just finished my second week here; it has been a lot of fun! I was initially struck by the centre's quirky interior: clashing rainbow colours on the walls, majestic fireplaces, a proudly sat grand piano and enormous painted banners depicting gleeful dancers. 
I felt like a character from a Lewis Carol novel - stumbling into a magical wonderland. The centre has such a welcoming atmosphere; I am blown away at how generous the volunteers are with both their time and willingness to help out. It is very obvious that a lot of creative people contribute to the goings on in the centre.
I am looking forward to meeting the rest of the volunteers and helping out with Here Comes the Sun festival!   
If you are interested in volunteering at the Rising Sun Arts Centre, Jo would love to hear from you. Get in touch by email info@risingsun-artscentre.co.uk or drop into the centre at any time.

Latest news

Lawrence's picture

This weekend's Events (29th November to 1st December)

Well, well, it's that last week before December.  Michael bloody Buble and Jools Holland are being unfrozen from their cryogenic pods.

Lawrence's picture

This Weekend's Events (22nd to 24th November)

Hi Everyone

I, your humble narrator, have a few things to do this evening.  So without any further ado, here's what we have at the Rising Sun this weekend

Lawrence's picture

This Weekend's Events (15th to 17th November)

Hi Everyone

This week's communique begins with the heart-rending news that John Lewis has unveiled their new advert.  
