30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST

Vintage Tea Dance

Neile's 1920s Tea Dance is a roaring afternoon of cakes, dance, and vintage dress. It takes place once a year and features the legendary dance band Lawrie Wright and the Silver Heels. Dance classes and afternoon tea included in the price. Think vintage - prizes for best dressed.


Well done Neile and all volunteers involved in the wonderful Vintage Tea Dance last weekend. The place was roaring with live music, dancing, and vintage clobber! The Reading Chronicle have done a little number on us. Enjoy! 
Hi Everyone I, your humble narrator, have just about enough time from other job as "Swearing Consultant" on the all-new all-singing Songs of Praise to tell you what's happening at the Rising Sun this weekend On Friday, it's time for TRIBUTE NIGHT
Hi Everyone I woke up this morning to the wonderful sight of a woodpecker in my garden.  By the time I made myself a cup of tea, it disappeared.  What kind of society do we live in when people are coming in to people’s gardens and stealing woodpeckers?
