30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST

This Weekend's Events (9th to 11th May)

Lawrence's picture

Hi Everyone

It has recently come to my attention that Nuts magazine has ceased publication.  While it's not amongst my usual reading, I did once purchase a copy on behalf of the volunteers behind the bar.  You can imagine the subsequent disappointment all around once it was clear that it wasn't a journal concerning bar snacks.

We have just the one event for your delectation, this weekend, it's on Friday, and it's THE BIG UNTIDY NIGHT OUT

The Big Untidy Night Out brings new unusual talent into the Rising Sun Arts Centre.  Singers, songwriters, poets, punk outfits, ambient experimentalists, sensational cellists and demonic banjo-players…the possibilities are endless.  Mostly unplugged, and almost, always untidy
This month the folks at Big Untidy are pleased to bring you LIISA SPIEL

From Helsinki via Newbury, Liisa plays her indie pop songs as a 'One-Woman Girl Band' with keyboards, loop pedal, rhythm instruments and vocal harmonies, not forgetting the dancing. She is working on her debut album with producer Ken Stringfellow of The Posies and R.E.M. fame.

There is also more than able support in the shape of THE HERBERTS, PAULA CURTIS and DREAM BOYS.

We'll be open at 8pm and it'll cost you a paltry £5 on the door to get in.

That's everything for another weekend, just to remind you that you can find us at 30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST  (If you put us in your Google or Sat Nav, we shall magically appear)

Latest news

Damien's picture

Live, Love, Dream - three events, one purpose

This weekend marks the first of three events in a mini festival of togetherness – Live, Love, Dream.

Lawrence's picture

This Weekend's Events (19th to 21st October)

Hi Everyone

Did you know, that the other day I had a dream where I got up and went to work.  And, you know what?  They really do come true!

Lawrence's picture

This Weekend's Events (12th to 14th October)

Hi Everyone

With the nights drawing in, what better place to spend them than a friendly, well-stocked and welcoming bar complete with its own fire?

Damien's picture

Join us for a drink in the week

With the nights drawing in, what better place to spend them than a friendly, well-stocked and welcoming bar complete with its own fire?
