30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST

This Weekend's Events (29th to 31st May)

Lawrence's picture

Hi Everyone

Things are a little quiet here at Rising Sun HQ.  So quiet in fact, that we have just the one event this weekend...

However, it's a cracker, it's on Friday, and it just happens to be CLUB VELOCITY

Another fine selection of beat combos for the delectation of us all courtesy of Velocity HQ:-

Reading band, guaranteed to make you think back to the era of Slowdive/Ride/Swervedriver/Telescopes/Chapterhouse.

Remember Girls Invented Punk Rock Not England...

Great fuzzy (real) indie pop. Very now. Very proper. Very Reading.  (Even though they hail from some place called Windsor)

We're open at 8pm, and it'll cost you £5 on the door or £4 in advance

from www.wegottickets.co.uk.

That’s everything for another week, just to remind you that we are, as always, at 30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST (If you pop it into your satnav or Google, we shall magically appear!)
Have a nice weekend!

Latest news

Damien's picture

Our new programme is here!

Our new programme for January-April 2019 is finally here, packed full of dance, music, theatre and so much more.

Lawrence's picture

This Weekend's Events (11th to 13th January)

Hi Everyone

We were hoping to tell you about this weekend's events at the Rising Sun, but unfortunately, Friday's special CLUB VELOCITY has had to be re-arranged.

Damien's picture

Class breaks for Christmas

Time to put your feet up as our various classes and workshops will be taking a well-deserved break over the festive period. 
