30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST

This Weekend's Events (27th to 29th March)

Lawrence's picture

Hi Everyone

Before I, your humble narrator, regale you with news of this weekend's happenings and goings on at the Rising Sun, we've got something else to tell you about

The Rising Sun Arts Centre has been nominated in Alt Reading's 2015 Awards in the Venue of the Year category!!  Voting doesn't open until Friday night, but in the meantime you can have a read of the nice write-up they've given us and also a quick peek at the other nominees at http://www.altreading.com/venue-of-the-year-the-shortlist/

We have just the one event this weekend it's on Friday, and it happens to be CLUB VELOCITY'S 12TH BIRTHDAY PARTY

Yes folks!  12 years of Club Velocity that seem to have come and gone a lot quicker than a decade and a bit would suggest.  Not only will there be an abundance of free cake, shizzle and "things you can throw a stick at", but also a fine buffet of ear food like so:-

Club Velocity legends. Husband and wife styley Country-Buegrass Alt Punk ‘n’ Roll.

The powers that be at Velocity HQ are highly convinced that Blank Biblkes shall be legends by tea time. One of our fave bands of the last twelve months!

The great duo-proper electro punxs.  Awesome with a capital A, even if we say so ourselves

We're open at 8pm, and it'll cost you £5 on the door or £4 in advance from www.wegottickets.co.uk

(Unfortunately, this Saturday's helping of FIESTA LATINA has had to be cancelled.  Please accept our apologies for the late notice)

That's everything for another week.  Just to remind you that barring bizarre unexplained phenemona, that you can find us at 30 Silver Street, Reading, Berkshire, England, Europe, Northern Hemisphere, Planet Earth. The Solar System, Milky Way, Near Andromeda, The Universe, RG1 2ST  (If you put us in your google or satnav we shall magically appear)

Latest news

Damien's picture

Live, Love, Dream - three events, one purpose

This weekend marks the first of three events in a mini festival of togetherness – Live, Love, Dream.

Lawrence's picture

This Weekend's Events (19th to 21st October)

Hi Everyone

Did you know, that the other day I had a dream where I got up and went to work.  And, you know what?  They really do come true!

Lawrence's picture

This Weekend's Events (12th to 14th October)

Hi Everyone

With the nights drawing in, what better place to spend them than a friendly, well-stocked and welcoming bar complete with its own fire?

Damien's picture

Join us for a drink in the week

With the nights drawing in, what better place to spend them than a friendly, well-stocked and welcoming bar complete with its own fire?
