30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST

This Weekend's Events (25th to 27th January)

Lawrence's picture

Hi Everyone

Every cloud has a silver lining!  While the weather tends to get slightly colder in January, the evenings get brighter.  Sometimes at this time of year, the sun rises as early 9.30am and if conditions are favourable it can sometimes set as late as 1.30 in the afternoon.  Not only that, but we at the Rising Sun have one or two things to be telling you about!

On Friday we have the first TRIBUTE NIGHT of 2019

Anyone who has been to a Rising Sun Tribute Night will already know the deal. Every three months we pay homage to a much-loved band or artist.  Everyone picks a song or two, practices them for a bit, then gets together again on Tribute Night to play them to a crowd - always with fascinating results. The next Tribute Night’s hero is announced at the end of the evening. It’s a simple but winning formula and is silly amounts of fun.

The 2019 winter edition of Tribute Night pays homage to MADONNA, an iconic elder stateswoman of pop and four decades of music, fashion, controversy and contrariness.  She likes to say a few things as well...

“I know I’m not the best singer and I know I’m not the best dancer, but I’m not interested in that. I’m interested in pushing people’s buttons, in being provocative and in being political.” (1991)

“People say I’m controversial, but I think the most controversial thing I have ever done is to stick around.” (2016)

Doors open at 8pm for a prompt 8:30pm start.  There's no admission fee as such, but donations will be collected during the interval, so please keep some money aside. (Suggested donation £5.) All donations go to the Rising Sun

If you would like to join the mailing list and stay up to date with Tribute Night events, please send an email to TributeNight@hotmail.co.uk

And finally on Sunday, it's time for OPEN PAGE OPEN STAGE

A monthly collaborative event for writers, artists, musicians, and everyone in between! The premise is an extension of the traditional ‘open mic’, however the focus is on words and collaboration. We want people to come and showcase their art in a safe and comfortable environment. If you’re an artist, bring your work early on so we can hang it around. If you write – poetry, prose, songs, plays – bring a piece or an excerpt. Actors – come and practice for auditions! If you play an instrument, bring it along! Think of the evening as a cross-creative spectrum jam night.

We’re open at 7pm and it’s absolutely FREE!

That’s everything for another week, just to remind you that we are, as always, at 30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST (If you pop it into your satnav or Google, we shall magically appear!)

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