30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST

This Weekend's Events (19th to 21st April)

Lawrence's picture

Hi Everyone

Did you know that a simple pocket calculator placed alongside your TV set can be a constant source of amusement?  If you don’t believe me, why not watch your friends’ faces as they try in vain to change channels with it!

And with that handy household tip out of the way, it’s time to let you know what’s happening at the Rising Sun this weekend

Things are a little bit quiet this time round, but on Saturday, it's time once more for CLUB VELOCITY

The third Saturday of the month?  The third Saturday of the month at a certain venue in Reading? Surely that means another helping of one of the best band nights in town, and, it looks like this..

"Great singer songwriter and a huge talent" is the opinion of Jamal-Andre Raccoon of the Evergreen Standard Midweek

"A great Ukulele player who rocks hard" so says Tarquin Binns-Rebus of Prince Phillip's Bloodsport Monthly

"Long stayer of the Reading music scene.  Ace" so says Clive Obtuse from Vague Promoter Monthly

We'll be open at 8pm.  And it'll cost you £6 on the door to get in (£5 in advance from www.wegottickets.com).

That’s everything for another week, just to remind you that we are, as always, at 30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST (If you pop it into your satnav or Google, we shall magically appear!)

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Damien's picture

Felix Brunner

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Damien's picture

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