30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST

This Weekend's Events (10th to 12th April)

Lawrence's picture

Hi Everyone

As regular as those pizza leaflets through your letter box, those PPI refund messages on your phone and them politicians trying to make out they're not as mad as the people they're talking over, we're back once again to tell you about all things Rising Sun related this coming weekend!

On Friday we have none other than THE BIG UNTIDY NIGHT OUT

The Big Untidy Night Out specialises in bringing new unusual talent into the Rising Sun.  Singers, songwriters, poets, punk outfits, ambient experimentalists,sensational cellists and demonic banjo-players…the possibilities are endless.

April's instalment sees the appearance of THE LIGHTWORKER, MY NORTHERN SKY and the welcome return of IZZIE JEWELL. To complete what is a, frankly stellar,line-up we have LIISA (Henriksson-Macauley)

We're open at 8pm and it'll cost you a paltry £5 on the door to get in.

Saturday sees the return of BANDORAMA

This month's Bandorama is a week early in anticipation of the mighty Reading FC and their semi-final encounter in the Football Association Challenge Cup against some rather plucky Sunday League organisation called Arsenal. Either way, it's still another helping of one of the best band nights in town.

(Hey Gary, that reminds me!  Is it true Robin Friday and Percy Freeman have been dropped?)

Anyhow, the powers that be at Bandorama HQ will have the following for your delectation

Female fronted full on throttle rock

Wonderful upfront-feet on the gas punk rock
Their second gig.  On their first, they impressed everybody with some sassy punkroll!

We're open at 8pm, and it'll cost you £5 on the door or £4 in advance from


That’s everything for another week, just to remind you that we are, as always, at 30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST (If you pop it into your satnav or Google, we shall magically appear!)

Have a nice weekend!

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