30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST

Two new films coming soon!

Damien's picture
If you've walked past the centre today you may have seen news of a new event on the blackboard!
We're hosting a special film night premiering two new films by groups supported by The Rising Sun with funding from Arts Council England:

Madcap Moonsoup - A Film by Starkey and The Moon Doctor

Starkey and the Moon Doctor  (Alistair Lucocq and Raj Sander) combine mime and current affairs to create surrealist music/comedy performance based pieces. The group have performed at The Rising Sun on a number of occasions and run Madcap Moonsoup a surrealist event. The film features new work and documents the origin, and influences of Starkey and the Moon Doctor  

Kevin’s Magic Farts - A film by the Zap Group.

Zap are a comedy theatre group of people with learning disabilities. The group write and perform a panto annually at the arts centre which sadly isn’t going to be happening this year. Their Film ‘Kevin’s Magic Farts’ is what the group have been doing instead.

Both were filmed by Real Time Video.

The event is already fully-booked due to our reduced Covid-secure capacity, but we'll be premiering the films on our YouTube channel at the same time. We'll share details on how you can tune in very soon!

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Amy's picture

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Larry's picture

Volunteer BBQ

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Amy's picture

Emerging Voices - Ahmad Alazami

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Amy's picture

Throwback Thursday

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