30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST

The Rising Sun is hiring

Damien's picture

We’re looking for someone to fill a brand new role here at the centre.

The new position is Volunteer and Programming Support Worker to join the team and support the development of increasing ownership and autonomy within volunteer teams, helping to increase their ability to deliver high quality arts within the Centre’s programme.

This part time post will support the Centre’s programming and marketing teams while offering some support to the Centre’s other strategic teams. The role will support the aims of the Rising Sun, leading to a programme of exceptional arts activities and further development of participatory practice.

The ideal candidate will have a true passion for the arts and experience of working with volunteers. For more information on the role and how to apply, see our job listing page.


Latest news

Amy's picture

Sewers, stitchers and quilters wanted!

Reading Lockdown Quilt is now transforming into a real life tapestry.

Amy's picture

Reading Lockdown Quilt

Our Lockdown Quilt is finally here...A patchwork of images, drawings, films, stories, poems and words chronicling the experiences of people in Reading during the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020.

Amy's picture


We are deeply saddened by yesterday's terrible events at Forbury Gardens.

Amy's picture

Black Lives Matter

The Rising Sun is a place where all voices are welcome, and we stand in solidarity with black artists and the black community as whole, both here in Reading and around the world.
