30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST

Redecorating the centre, part two

Damien's picture

Join us to help making our sun shine again!

As you may have noticed, a few weeks ago we gave the inside – and outside – of the centre a new lick of paint. Our volunteers worked flat out to make the bar, the main room and the front of the centre look shiny and new. We even made a video!

But we’re not done yet.

On the 27th and 28th of June we’d like to get the sun wall out the front repainted! There are a few finishing touches to be made to the work from last time, as well – no small task, but many hands make light work and we’re sure we can get it done in a weekend. If you fancy joining us, drop us a line via our Facebook page and we’ll make sure there’s a plentiful supply of biscuits for everyone!

With a fresh look on the sun wall no one will be able to miss us! 

Latest news

Ollie's picture

Refugee Dressmaking Fundraiser

Next week is Refugee Week! In advance to this, we at The Rising Sun are launching our Refugee Dressmaking Campaign!

Ollie's picture

VOLUNTEER CALL OUT: Help us run our one-day festival!

Here Comes The Sun is the biggest event of the year for the Rising Sun Arts Centre and one of its key fundraising events to help keep the place going.
Ollie's picture

u slip into: call for artists

Double Okay are looking for queer experimental artwork!!

Ollie's picture

Social Media Volunteer Callout

We're looking for volunteers to join our marketing team and give 2 hours per week to help us shout about what we do.

