30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST

Our new look!

Damien's picture

Better late than never, the scaffolding is finally down.

And the place looks great, if we do say so ourselves! New drainpipes, fixed windows, various other bits and pieces tidied up and a bold new lick of paint.

Well, we want to look nice for our 25th birthday celebrations, don’t we?

Big thanks to all in our restoration team, and to Ross for taking suck a cracking photo!

Latest news

Damien's picture

More names announced for Here Comes The Sun

The weather's turning a bit nicer, so time to announce some more names for this year's 10th annual Here Comes The Sun festival!

Lawrence's picture

This weekend's Events (31st May to 2nd June)

Hi Everyone

Did you know, that the other day I had a dream where I got up and went to work.  And, you know what?  They really do come true!

Nikita's picture

Volunteer Stories: Lina

As part of our celebrations for National Volunteers’ Week (1st to 7th June) we wanted to share stories from some of our wonderful volunteers.

Nikita's picture

Volunteer Stories: Damien

As part of our celebrations for National Volunteers’ Week (1st to 7th June) we wanted to share stories from some of our wonderful volunteers.
