30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST

COVID-19 - latest news

Damien's picture

COVID-19 outbreak and The Rising Sun.

Following the Government announcement on 16 March regarding measures to combat the COVID-19 virus The Rising Sun has taken the decision to temporarily suspend all activity at the Arts Centre.

This will affect all events, classes, projects and room hires. We are liaising with promoters, artists,  workshop leaders and partner organisations to reschedule events or hold space for their return. The necessity of closing arts and music venues – especially small, community focused, independent venues has potentially catastrophic consequences for their survival and for the service they provide to creative communities, ground level cultural activities and emerging artists and bands.

Venues such as ours do incredible work around the country while fighting each day for survival. Rest assured we are working hard to ensure that we will be able to continue our work as soon as it is safe to do so and look forward to reconnecting with the people and communities we have built relationships with.

We currently have no ticketed events. Third party promoters may have ticketed events affected by the closure of the centre and they will be able to advise regarding their policy on refunds.

You can contact us at info@risingsun-artscentre.co.uk or on 0118 9866788 if you have any questions.

We know times are difficult for everyone, but if you do want to help us out we’ve teamed with our ticketing partner WeGotTickets for #TheEventThatNeverHappened. Buying a “ticket” for this “event” means your donation will help us survive this difficult period - go to https://www.wegottickets.com/sct/pFa4fMBN4Z to make your donation.

Thank you all for your patience and your continued support during this difficult time.

The Rising Sun

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