30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST

Check out our new YouTube channel

Damien's picture

We’re collecting all our video memories of the centre in one handy place.

A new YouTube channel for the Rising Sun Arts Centre has been set-up, and it’s already full of exciting videos from the centre’s various events.

As well as uploading fresh content ourselves, we’re also collecting any videos our friends and volunteers have taken over the years and uploaded to YouTube. We’ve already got quite substantial playlists for Club Velocity, Tribute Night, Here Comes The Sun, Classical For Charity and more!

And if you have any YouTube clips you’ve taken while enjoying an event, workshop, spring clean or other good time at the centre, we’d love to add it to our growing collection – just email the link to RisingSunArtsCentreTV@gmail.com clean and we’ll get it added to one of our playlists. You can even email us fresh video content not yet on YouTube and we’ll happily upload it to the channel ourselves.

So why not check out our YouTube channel and sit back, subscribe, and suddenly notice a few hours have passed since you started watching!

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