30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST

This Weekend's Events (28th to 30th June)

Lawrence's picture

Hi Everyone

Apropos of nothing, but I was watching A Fistful of Dollars the other night, and I now believe that a lot of conflict in the Wild West could have been avoided completely if cowboy architects had just made their towns big enough for everyone.

As the tumbleweed drifts along the horizon and Clint Eastwood tells the undertaker to get some coffins ready, it's time to tell you what's happening at the Rising Sun this weekend

On Friday, it's time for another CLUB VELOCITY

Another fine selection of beat combos for the enjoyment of us all courtesy of Velocity HQ and it looks just so

Great local Reading punks who roll and rock.  Vital and plenty of Big Muff.  (So it says here)

Fantastic two-piece from Oxford.  They deal in mighty meaty bubblegum roll n roll.

Magnificent three-piece from Reading.  They deal in fierce rock n psyche with plenty of groove.

We’ll be open at 8pm and it’ll cost you £7 on the door, or £5 in advance from www.wegottickets.com


Read College return to the Rising Sun for our annual premier of a brand new comedy show! 3 weeks, 7 actors and no script… Come and witness the results!

This year's show is "Houses and Hounds", a comedy based around Dungeons and Dragons.  For every nerd out there.

This excellent evening of comedy and drama also helps to raise money for the Student Hardship Fund (charity registration 1142899), so come and laugh along for a good cause!

We'll be open at 7.30pm for an 8pm start, and admission on the door is on a pay what you like basis

On Sunday we pay host to FABULOUS SCRIBBLINGS

An exhibition by members of the Move Up Project and Art Space showing new work created in the sessions at the Rising Sun, using a variety of techniques and materials, including - drawing, painting, printmaking and sculpture.

The exhibition is on two floors, and on the ground floor you can take part in art activities, including mono printing and more.

Café Bar will be open, serving homemade cakes, hot and cold drinks.

This event is part of Open For Art 2019.

We're open from 11am to 4pm and it's absolutely FREE!  (We'll also be open from 11am to 2pm on Monday lunchtime!)

That’s everything for another week, just to remind you that we are, as always, at 30 Silver Street, Reading, RG1 2ST (If you pop it into your satnav or Google, we shall magically appear!)

Latest news

Damien's picture

Crowdfunder Update

Since we launched our fundraiser last year, we’ve been blown away by the support (and love) we’ve received from so many people. It really is quite humbling.

Damien's picture

We've launched a new crowdfunder campaign!


Amy's picture

Reading Lockdown Quilt - grand unveiling

Yesterday, the Rising Sun's Quilt Team unveiled Reading Lockdown Quilt. It was a thrilling, nailbiting, race against time.

Here is our quilty story...

Larry's picture

Covid-19 Update

Covid-19 Statement - 19 July 2021:
