Independent Venue Week-Go Go Cult/Other Dramas/Sonic Flowers
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Independent Venue Week-Club Velocity presents-The Go Go Cult
The Go Go Cult
If we have anything to do it with it-then 2019 will be a year where more of you pop kids are aware of the 'Cult' Are they are a garage band?Are they a surf band?Are they a billy band?To our ears they remind us of great long lost bands like Man Or Astroman and the Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet.Great DIY labels like Estrus and Get Hip.Washington before Kurt.Cheap beer and ribs. Flipside and Maximum Rocknroll.Peel would have got the Go Go Cult and so should you.
The Other Dramas
From Oxford.Two piece rollnpop.
Deal in delightful-just the left side of bubble glam pop for